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物质在非常低的温度条件下会展示出一些很奇怪的特性,拿超流体作为例子:这些超流体是在1937年被发现的,他们可以一直在不受阻力的情况下流动,并会很奇怪的爬到容器壁上,然后滴到地板上。将振动收集到一个晶体里就叫做声子,声子是一种Nambu-Goldstone波色子,UC Berkeley物理学家证明出通过计算材料中(无论是一个固态晶体,一个磁体,或者一个超流体)的波色子的数量,你就能发现材料会在对称性被破坏的低温条件下所产生的习性类型。(Credit: Haruki Watanabe/UC Berkeley.)
University of California, Berkeley大学的物理学家Hitoshi Murayama和研究生Haruki Watanabe目前在这些材料中发现了一种共性,这可以被用来预测和设计能够展示出不同习性的新材料。这个理论被发表在了Physical Review Letters杂志6月的第8期上,他可以被应用到磁体、晶体、中子星和宇宙弦中。
诺贝尔奖获得者Yoichiro Nambu早期提出的理论预测道磁体自旋会在两个单独的方向震荡,因此,这些磁体会产生两个Nambu-Goldstone波色子。这个新理论展示了在铁磁体中,这两种波不是相互独立的,以至于只有一个Nambu-Goldstone波色子——上面已经提到的一种先行波。Credit: Haruki Watanabe/UC Berkeley。
“这是一个非常令人兴奋的结果,因为他涉及到了物理学的许多领域,不仅是浓缩物质物理学,还有天体物理学、原子颗粒和核物理学和宇宙学,”Murayama说道,他是UC Berkeley大学的物理学教授,同时也是Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory实验室的资深科学家和University of Tokyo大学Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe协会的主任,“我们正在努力将这些研究结果结合到一个理论框架中。”
来自University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign大学的Anthony Leggett在2003年获得了物理学的诺贝尔奖,由于他对超流体进行的首创性研究,他指出很早之前人们就知道自发性的对称破坏(无论是发生在颗粒物理学中或冷凝物理学中)的一个重要影响就是被称作Nambu-Goldstone波色子的长波集体刺激物的存在。
“在他们的论文中,Watanabe和Maruyama目前获得了一个关于Nambu Goldstone波色子之间的关系,这能够帮助我们对所有相关的情形进行复制,并且能够给出一个简单的框架来讨论目前还不了解的排列形式——也许会在未来发现。
“令人惊奇的是,低能谱中的自发性对称破坏的应用还没有被实施,直到Watanabe和Murayama的论文发表以后,”Hirosi Ooguri描述道,他是Caltech的一名物理学和数学教授,“我希望这项研究结果能够产生一系列的应用,从冷凝物理学到宇宙学。这是数学和物理学领域的一项伟大发现。”
当对称被自发的破坏时就会出现一些新的情况,随着创世大爆炸,宇宙被冷却了下来,直到他的对称性被自发的破坏掉,这也导致了一个预测性的Higgs波色子的出现——他目前正在被位于瑞士日内瓦的Large Hadron Collider所探寻。
Yoichiro Nambu获得了2008年的物理学诺贝尔奖,部分原因是因为他解释了在一些系统中,对称性破坏的数量相当于Nambu-Goldstone波色子的数量。
作为University of Tokyo大学的一名学生,Watanabe已经提出了一个能够通过Nambu-Goldstone波色子来解释材料特性的原理,但是他还不能对此进行证明,直到他去年来到UC Berkeley大学并与Murayama进行交流以后,然后,他们一起在两周的时间里提出了一个他们称作Nambu-Goldstone波色子统一理论的证据。
Scientists at the Vienna University of Technology found a method to locate single gold atoms on a surface. This should pave the way to better and cheaper catalysts.
Most people value large chunks of gold -- but scientists at the Vienna University of Technology are interested in gold at the smallest possible scale, because single gold atoms are potentially the most reactive catalysts for chemical reactions. However, when gold atoms are placed on a surface they tend to ball up into tiny nuggets consisting of several atoms. A team of surface scientists now managed to fix single gold atoms on special sites of an iron-oxide surface. This could open the door to more efficient catalysts, requiring less of the precious material.
Gold Does Not Like to Be Alone
Gold is a noble metal and does not usually bond with other elements, but as a catalyst it facilitates chemical reactions. It can, for example, facilitate the conversion of poisonous carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. The effectiveness of gold as a catalyst depends on the size of the gold particles. Some evidence suggests that it works best if the gold is present in the form of single atoms. So far, however, this could not be studied in detail. "If individual gold atoms are put on a surface, they usually cluster up, forming nanoparticles," says Gareth Parkinson, who oversaw the experiments in the research group of Professor Ulrike Diebold at the Institute for Applied Physics at the TU Vienna.
Hot Surfaces -- Loose Atoms
Higher temperatures lead to a higher mobility of the gold atoms, so in order to stop the atoms from clustering, most surfaces must be cooled to a temperature so low that the desired chemical reactions would stop entirely. The researchers at the TU Vienna found a special kind of iron-oxide surface, which locks the single gold atoms in place.
A Good Place to Settle Down
The key to success is a slight deformation of the iron-oxide crystal structure. The oxygen atoms of the topmost layer are not aligned in perfectly straight lines, they are bent into wiggles by the atoms below. At the points where the lines of oxygen atoms are close to each other, the gold atoms attach permanently without losing grip. Even if the surface is heated, the gold atoms stay put -- only at 500 degrees celsius they start forming clusters. "When a gold atom hits the iron oxide surface, it diffuses to one of the sites where it can be attached to the surface," says Gareth Parkinson. That way, many single gold atoms can be placed close to each other. When a gold atom hits a position already occupied by another gold atom, however, the two bond and start moving across the surface, picking up additional gold atoms along the way. When they have reached a critical size of at least five atoms, they become immobile again and the miniature gold nugget comes to rest.
New Paths for New Research
Ulrike Diebold expects that the new method will answer important open questions about catalysis. "We have created an ideal model system for probing the chemical reactivity of single atomic species," says Diebold. The recent experiments will also help to advance theoretical research: the quantum mechanically complex bonding between single atoms and this particular surfaces provide an excellent test case for theoretical calculations of highly correlated electron systems.